Workshops a more informal way of learning new skills: 

Beauty & Massage

Facials and Skin care advice

Manicure or simple nail care

Nail Art

Luxury Foot treatments

Massage - hands & forearms and scalp & shoulders.

(minimum 90 minutes)



Life shaping 

Health & hygiene

Positive mental health

Easy Budgeting skills

Presentation skills/Personal image/Interview skills

Confidence building & Goal setting

Relaxation & massage

Stress busting with Mindfulness

Nature and Gardening related activities

(minimum 90  minutes)


Concessions available based on number of sessions booked and agreed payment terms.



Training All courses cover Professional conduct, hygiene, client care and posture.

Introduction to Beauty Therapy

includes Nail care, Skin care, some Massage techniques, Reception skills and Health & Safety. 

This course will be two hours per week over four weeks.   

Cost £35.00ph plus materials 

Effective use of massage for children and adults with complex needs   -  

This is sensory massage, suitable for Support/ Workers, Parents and Carers.

Cost £35.00ph plus materials Over 1 day: 9.30-2.30pm

Introduction to massage techniques - 

Covering Posture whilst massaging, massage techniques to the scalp, neck, shoulders, upper back, hands and forearms.

Cost £35.00ph plus materials.

Completed over 2 half days or 1 day depending on the needs of the group

Short Courses also available



Facials & Skincare

add Reception skills to any of these courses


Competence is assessed, feedback is given with guidance and support. 

Certificate of attendance issued on completion

for bookings or further information please contact Fran on 07814731634